Hit The Button

A good working knowldge of the times tables up to 12×12 is essential not only at school but for life in general. Our class has been working hard to improve our accuracy and develop an automatic recall of all the times tables.  To help us learn the facts that just won’t come to mind quickly we have been using a great little 60 second game called Hit The Button.

We sent the link to the rest of our school and heard back from the Principal and some classes. Now the challenge is really on, 6F have challenged us to a 7x showdown, 6T has challenged the Deputy Principal to 7x, 8x and 9x tables. His response is “Bring it on!” The Principal has marked the date in her diary so she doesn’t miss the action as it unfolds in just seven days time.

If you would like to challenge yourself or a friend look for the link on our page under the heading Times Tables Games which will take you directly to the site. Have fun.

You can challenge us just send us a screen shot of your best result for the times tables of your choice and we will accept your challenge and reply with our own best effort and of course we will send you a screen shot.